The Battery Life Saver electronic device will extend the life of any lead-acid battery and can rejuvenate “dead” batteries to a like new condition. But how does it work? To understand the technology behind the BLS, we must first understand how a battery works.

How a Battery Works

In a normal battery we have three basic elements: one plate made of lead, an electrolyte of sulfuric acid and another plate made of lead oxide. When the battery is discharged, the sulfuric acid in the electrolyte reacts with the lead and lead oxide releasing electricity, forming lead sulfate. This leaves a watery electrolyte solution. When a battery is completely discharged, what is left is lead sulfate and water. When you recharge the battery, the electrical current causes the lead sulfate to break apart. This returns the system to the original elements of lead and lead oxide on the plates and sulfuric acid in the electrolyte, for the most part.

What’s the problem? Why do batteries fail?

When the battery is recharged, a small amount of lead sulfate maintains its sulfate configuration (sulfate crystal). These sulfates crystals cannot be reconverted using a regular electric current. Every time the battery is discharged, more of these crystals are produced and the electrolyte solution becomes more watery. Like layers of snow on a garden they continue to accumulate until you can no longer see the garden. These crystals interfere with the flow of electricity in and out of the battery. The battery will take longer to charge and a charge will last less time. A perfectly good battery will seem dead because lead sulfate has built up on the plates.

The Battery Life Saver electronic device is the Solution

The Battery Life Saver electronic device solves this problem by dissolving the buildup of lead sulfate crystals. The BLS sends a radio signal through the battery, targeting the lead sulfate crystals (even those that could not be dissolved by recharging), converting them back into lead and sulfuric acid. Each crystal is like a tiny radio receiver. In fact, when the radio was invented, a lead sulfate crystal was used for the receiver. The BLS action gradually restores the battery back to its original condition and allows the electrical charge to be drawn from the battery.

Other Desulfators

Electronic and chemical desulfators have been on the market for years. How is the BLS different? The biggest difference is the BLS’s ability to target the whole range of sulfates that accumulate on the lead plates. As discussed above, regular electric current does not have the ability to do this. Electronic desulfators (commonly known as pulsers) send a high amount of voltage for a short period of time throughout the battery to knock down the crystals (similar to overcharging). They are unable to dissolve all the different types of sulfates. You can get some initial apparent improvement but the continued use of the other desulfators that knock down crystals cause two negative effects on the battery:

1.) If you continue to use the pulser, the crystals will continue to accumulate at the bottom of the battery which can eventually cause a short cell.

2.) The plates will become thinner and the sulfuric acid will become weaker because any lead sulfate that falls to the bottom of the battery cannot be recovered.

The Battery Life Saver electronic device dissolves the lead sulfate crystals that are covering the plates, converting them back into the original elements. It rejuvenates the sulfuric acid solution as well as the lead plates.

About The Author

Manufacturer of the Battery Life Saver electronic device,

Will Bio Batteries Over Smart The Commercial Batteries

Due to global warming conservation of the environment is the need of the hour .Hence various bio changes have been made over the commercial ones. One such discovery is the Bio Battery.

Concept behind the latest Bio battery:

Every battery has an anode and a cathode which aid to produce electricity at the expense of chemical reactions. However in these bio batteries glucose molecules are consumed to generate electricity. The anode of a Bio battery contains sugar digesting enzymes and a mediator to connect with the source. The cathode of the battery contains oxygen reducing enzymes and mediator. A cellophane separator is used in the Bio battery to separate the electrodes. Glucose molecule produces hydrogen ions and electrons due to the process of enzymatic oxidation. At the end of oxidation glucose molecules are converted to glucano lactones, hydrogen ions and electrons.

Then the hydrogen ions move through the cellophane separator to the cathode. Hydrogen ions and the electrons react with oxygen and produce water. These electrochemical processes generate electricity, when the electron passes moves through the electric circuit.

The electricity generation process in the Bio battery is very simple when compared to the other commercial batteries. At the same time these Bio batteries use a renewable resource like glucose to generate electricity. Most of the commercial batteries consume non-renewable resources to generate electricity. This makes the Bio batteries to oversmart the commercial batteries.

Key features of this bio battery research and development:

1) Principle behind on how to induce the mediator and the immobilization process:

Bio battery has a specific principle to induce the enzyme immobilization process and the mediator. The anode should have oxidizing enzymes and the mediator both in high concentrations, to oxidize the glucose molecules effectively. This increases the efficiency of the process. Two polymers are used to attach the enzyme molecules and the mediator to the anode. The charges of these polymers are opposite to each other. The electrostatic interaction of these polymers induces the binding of the molecules with the anode. Optimized ionic process induces the effective use of elect

2) Structure of the cathode:

The intensity of water present at the cathode ensures the efficiency of the enzymatic reduction process. Porous carbon electrodes bear the mediator and immobilized enzyme. Cellophane separator used acts a partition between the electrodes . The optimized electrodes maintain the water level at the electrode surface and it induces the cathode reactivity.

3) Optimization of electrolytes:

Normally 0.1 M phosphate buffer is used in all kind of enzymatic reactions. High concentration of phosphate buffer increases the efficiency of the Bio batteries. 1.0 M concentration phosphate buffer is also used in Bio batteries. The concentration level can be determined only based in the process of maintaining the enzyme activity on the electrodes. At a higher concentration level the Bio batteries generate more electricity.

4) Test cell is combining compact size and high power output:

Bio batteries require sugar solution to accumulate glucose molecules at the anode surroundings. These Bio batteries do not require any complex solutions to act as electrolytes, a simple sugar solution is enough to generate electricity. A Bio battery generates electricity up to 50 mw, highest output among the all kinds of passive batteries. By connecting a series of cubic cells, you can increase the power output. This is an eco friendly product, the body of the cell is made up of natural plastic polyactate (plastic produced from the vegetables), since its is biodegradable.

The above said features make the Bio batteries to over smart the commercial batteries. Most of the commercial batteries use chemicals, which are very hazardous to the eco system. These bio batteries are very easy and more efficient to use when compared to the normal commercial batteries.

By: shary123

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